What does the world need to know right now?

First and foremost....this my new blog.   I have wanted to blog and digitally have a place for my thoughts.   I am hoping to update it a few times a week, if not daily.    Hopefully you all will find it entertaining or inspiring. 

So my first topic: what does the world need to know right now...

I feel very lucky and blessed.   I am happy to say I have great family and friends, I'm especially lucky to have friends who are family.  A great support system is key to a good life.   I don't know where I would have been the last 8 months without them.   8 months ago I was laid off from a job I poured my heart and soul into.  I spent 10 years dedicating my life to helping others and trying to make a difference in my community.  Despite lots of success and paradigm changing work, I was let go,  It was absolutely a blessing in disguise as it allowed me the time to go to Egypt and spend 6 wonderful and life changing weeks with my girlfriend, Sara, who is now my fiancee, and family.  In those 6 weeks, I had my eyes opened to many things but most importantly, I had an awakening and refound religion, which has helped me cope with the events that had taken place and helped me see the bigger picture and plan.   Without the support of family and friends, I wouldn't have had the courage to make it though the trying times and would not have been able to take the leap of faith in my new career as an agent with New York Life.  I am truly blessed to have an opportunity with this great company, as I still get to dedicate my life to helping others, which I know is why I am on this earth.

Be Kind and Help Others
Which leads me to another thing the world needs know right now...be selfless.  If you put others before you, you will always lead a fulfilled life.   Sure, it is important to take care of ones self, but when you help others, others will help you.  It's like the golden rule says, treat others as you want to be treated yourself.   This world would be a much greater place if people looked out for one another more often.  Even the smallest act of kindness can go a long way, so be nice to each other.

I am sure I could ramble on for hours, but I don't want you getting bored reading this, plus I want to give you a reason to come back 😁

Have an inspired day!


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